Previous Issues: 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006
When Heads Are Missing by Monique Nicole Fox (December 2000)
A Freedom Song by Lorraine Davis-Dantley (October 2000)
The Shell by Paul Gorski (September 2000)
Black Pitted Olive by Alfred Kisubi (July 2000)
Black by John Marcus (April 2000)
Rejected by Nicholette Wright (April 2000)
My Outer Covering by Barbara Y. Mair (April 2000)
The Reflection by Jessica Stooks (February 2000)
September's Child by Caroline Dimmen (February 2000)
Lines by Paul Gorski (February 2000)
looking at the world from my key hole by Feven Afewerki (February 2000)
My World by Kerry Edwards (January 2000)
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