"A Super Massive Black Hole,"
Said an astronomer at an observatory
Researching in space,
Nothing but tortured souls
Robbed of humanly experiences,
Secluded from saintly beings,
Thirsty aliens,
Drinking from the found of sorrow,
Yet thirsting resurrection to life
Yet thirsting pardon
Yet blocked by layers of the oppressive sand
And stubborn walls.
Poor playful minds are losing the best marbles ever
Now urged to be gangsters.
Nothing is as demanding as an empty stomach,
To exile them in the spooky space for a sickly reunion.
Regretfully, a young boy wipes the emotion provoked tears
"Only if we had food," he murmurs.
They deserve that flame irrespective of their backgrounds!
A snake is never young to poison!
And they live in sour seclusion,
And it hurts when a door is shut in your face,
Those waterlily yet sullen faces,
The same unsociable faces,
Painted on restless souls,
The same distant faces I am willing to endear,
These unemployment cells!
Suddenly a resonant voice from a "Super Massive Black Hole" speaks,
Not so rude like the voice at the self-centred,
A consciousness haunting voice,
Pleading a brother to lend a hand.
Somebody is drowning in a rippling lake
Waving a hand frantically,
Now he is a floating log,
And his mouth is still side open,
Amazed by this negligence,
Like darkness invading a bright day, hatred eats away humanity.
My troubled days,
This unexpressed pain,
More prisons,
More cemeteries,
Never tired of consuming humankind?
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